GCSE Psychology Revision Bootcamp

  • All Topics

    Comprehensive yet concise coverage of the AQA specification
  • Predicted Exam Papers

    Access to 2024 papers before anyone else
  • Self marking quizzes 

    With personalised feedback on what went wrong
  • Change your mind

    14 days to change your mind and get a refund
  • Free access 

    Get access to the personalised dashboard, video and quizzes for free

Are you searching for a GCSE revision course that offers a tailored, stress-free, yet effective learning experience? 

Look no further. Primrose Kitten Academy presents an all-inclusive revision course meticulously designed to ensure you excel in your GCSE Psychology exams while maintaining your well-being.

Course Features:

  • Teaching Videos: Our expert-led teaching videos break down complex scientific concepts into easy-to-digest segments, streamlining your study time and enhancing your grasp of the material.

  • Self-Marking Retrieval Quizzes: Test your knowledge with self-marking retrieval quizzes that offer personalised feedback. Understand your strengths and focus on your areas for improvement.

  • Predicted Papers and Video Walkthroughs: Get a leg up with our predicted papers, modelled after actual GCSE exams. Each paper has a step-by-step video walkthrough, ensuring you grasp the nuances of tackling each question.

  • Exam Skills: Equip yourself with essential exam skills that help you navigate timing, question interpretation, and effective answering strategies.

Convenience and Flexibility: One size doesn’t fit all. Study at a pace that suits you, at any time you prefer. Our course is designed to adapt to your schedule, not the other way around.

Comprehensive but Concise AQA Coverage: Rest assured that our course aligns with the AQA GCSE specifications. Our targeted approach covers all required topics comprehensively yet concisely, enabling you to master what matters most.

Invest in your academic future with a course that lets you achieve more while stressing less.

Meet the Teacher


I love psychology as it allows me to delve into the fascinating intricacies of the human brain and behaviour. Psychology is a subject that constantly evolves, with new research and discoveries emerging regularly, keeping my teaching fresh and exciting. Teaching psychology isn’t just about imparting knowledge; it’s about helping students to understand human experience and preparing them to make positive changes in the world around them.

Outside of the classroom, I enjoy immersing myself in crime fiction novels, unravelling mysteries, and exploring the human psyche through literature. I am also an avid lover of the outdoors, whether it’s going for long walks, paddleboarding on serene waters, or embarking on adventures in my trusty campervan!

Patrick Jones - Course author