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Meet the Teacher


Sitting in my first A-Level Sociology class I truly felt like my eyes had been opened to the world in a way like never before! Ever since that first lesson I have had a thirst for learning more about the complexities of modern society and how we fit into it as individuals. In fact, I still get a real buzz out of learning about new sociological studies and find myself constantly applying sociological thought to my daily life because Sociology really is all around us, all of the time.

I went onto study Sociology at The University of Warwick, focussing on the relevance of structural theories in a historical and modern context society and the ways in which Sociology can shape politics and economics. Since then, I have been lucky enough to teach Sociology for a decade, sharing my love of the subject with some fantastic young people who I hope will continue to use their sociological knowledge far beyond their GCSE and A-Levels.

Patrick Jones - Course author